Vaccination Covid -19 & Influenza
Last minute
Step by Step
Follow the steps in order, it will take less than a minute.

Allow notifications
To receive last-minute notifications.
To invite you to get vaccinated faster, we must be able to send you a notification in your own language. You will have 5 minutes or more to accept the appointment.

Choose your settings
Choose your settings
Invitations are personalized according your age group, the vaccination group you belong to, your vaccine types and the vaccination center closest to you so that you can get there quickly.

List of invitations
Find the list of notifications received
You will be able to locate the vaccination site, to reread the message with your required arrival time and your confirmation number to show on arrival. Swipe down to refresh the list.

Delete the application
Once you are vaccinated, you no longer need the app.
Once you are vaccinated, delete the app from your mobile device.
What must I do to ensure that I see the notification ?
Accept notifications when you download the app. If you do not receive any, check the notification settings for your application: Settings – NotifVAX App – Notifications = allow notifications, show alerts on lock screen, Sounds On, Badges On. You can see all the notifications received in LIST.
What should I do to delete the information collected ?
To delete the information collected, you must make the request directly in the application. Go to More, «Delete my data». The information will be deleted from the database.
You dont get notifications !
Two main reasons for not receiving notifications: Either your notification center is full, in that case, click CLEAR regularly to make some space, or there were no last minute vaccine doses available for your settings.
Can I use my application for someone else ?
Yes. However, only one person can be registered by mobile device. Select the other person’s preferences in the app and give them the confirmation number for their appointment, which is required to receive their vaccination. Then delete the application. You may download the NotifVAX app again for yourself or another person.
What information is collected by the application ?
The information collected by this app is anonymous and without location data. Your phone number is not collected as it is not required to receive notifications. You will only be asked for your age group, your vaccination group you belong to, your vaccine types and the vaccination center to personalize your invitations. Delete the app if you do not wish to provide that information.
I have forgotten my password to access to App Stores.
Apple store:
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click iCloud. Select Account Details. Click on "Forgot your Apple ID or password?" and then follow the instructions on the screen
Google Play:
Follow the account recovery steps. Google will ask a few questions and then we'll send you an email. Select a password that you haven't used before with this account. Learn how to create a secure password.
How can we help you?
For more information, fill out the form.
NotifVAX Product owned by ©BLE-Network
Registered 9303-9121 Québec Inc